1st International Congress

April 14 - 15, 2003

1st International Congress
“The original intention for closing the First CIFA International Congress was to comment on what we have all learned and achieved during these two intensive days. However, equally important, is that fact that a potentially revolutionary proposal which could change the face of financial Services in Europe has been set forward. Today, the members from a European Financial Standard Setting group, national associations of independent financial advisors and asset managers as well as trade groups in the financial advisory sectors, gathered to discuss a new concept. This concerns the building of a pan European umbrella organisation, linking independently all intermediary organisations in order to create a powerful lobby covering all the key aspects of our profession such as communication, think tank, deontology, standards and certification.
FINAL PROGRAM 1st International Congress
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“The original intention for closing the First CIFA International Congress was to comment on what we have all learned and achieved during these two intensive days.

However, equally important, is that fact that a potentially revolutionary proposal which could change the face of financial Services in Europe has been set forward.

Today, the members from a European Financial Standard Setting group, national associations of independent financial advisors and asset managers as well as trade groups in the financial advisory sectors, gathered to discuss a new concept. This concerns the building of a pan European umbrella organisation, linking independently all intermediary organisations in order to create a powerful lobby covering all the key aspects of our profession such as communication, think tank, deontology, standards and certification.

This proposal is obviously at a very early stage, but many promising ideas have been exchanged and solid relationships have been established. The outcome of the CIFA Congress crucially contributes to the establishment of a fertile ground for a resulting communication body with an international vocation greatly benefitting the consumers of the financial advisory services, the financial services providers and the practitioners."