XVth International CIFA Forum

May 30 - June 01, 2017

XVth International CIFA Forum
FINAL PROGRAM XVth International CIFA Forum
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Tuesday, May 30
Official opening ceremony by Jean-Pierre Diserens
Secretary-General of CIFA
Welcome address by Pierre Christodoulidis
President of CIFA
Keynote Speakers:
H.E. Mr. Horacio Sevilla Borja, Permanent Representative of ECUADOR to the United Nations and CHAIR of the Group of 77
H.E. Mr. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser, UNAOC High Representative, United Nations
Implementing the 2030 Development Agenda: Eradicating Poverty and Promoting Prosperity in a Changing World
Roundtable moderated by:
Hanifa D. Mezoui, Senior Advisor Humanitarian Affairs and Civil Society, United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC)
Mourad Ahmia
Executive Secretary, Group 77
Chantal Line Carpentier
Chief, UNCTAD New York Office, Office of the secretary General
Louise Kantrow
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Permanent Representative to the United Nations
Zina Mounla
Chief for Development Cooperation Policy in the United Nations Department for Economic and Social Affairs [DESA]
Coffee Break
Fondation Ethique et Economie Académie des sciences morales et politiques, Paris: For an ethical renewal of the free-market economy
Roundtable moderated by:
Bertrand Collomb
Member of the Academy, Honorary Chairman of Lafarge
Stanislas d’Audiffret
Former Banker, Institutional Independent Consultant in financing needs
André Babeau
Professor Emeritus in Economics, Université Paris-Dauphine
Bernard Esambert
Former Economic Adviser of President Pompidou, Former CEO of Banque Edmond de Rothschild
End of the first day
Dining Cocktails
Welcome address by the Chairperson for the day
Afaf Konja
Communication Specialist: Media and Public Relations
  • What economic policies can be implemented to re-integrate the growing number of middle-class workers left aside?
  • What economic policies could provide and restore a new social cohesion?
  • The multilateral economic order and, therefore, the role of International Organizations (BIS, WTO and others) is at stake due to the Trump administration; and BREXIT is complicating the international dynamics in Europe: The role of the current and future international institutional architecture - and the implications for short-term and medium stability in the real and monetary sphere.
  • Supra-national organizations versus sovereign economic goals? Which model would prevail?
  • New protectionist and interventionist economic policies: can they succeed in a globalized economy?
  • What future for the orthodox economic model of the Eurozone facing the challenge of outsiders?
  • Are outsiders able to change the world economic order? Could outsiders, as new players, solve the old problems: unemployment, poverty, indebtedness, insolvency of pensions systems?
  • Can outsiders succeed against globalization or with/in globalization?
  • Keynesians, economic nationalists, populists, etc. Who are the outsiders?
  • Is it possible to reduce the damages of globalization without losing the benefits of globalization?
  • Is it possible to respond to outsiders’ demands without stopping world economic growth?
Roundtable moderated by:
Michel Girardin
Lecturer in Macro-Finance, Geneva School of Economics and Management (GSEM), Switzerland
Joe Oliver
Canadian politician and former Minister of Natural Resources (2011) and former Minister of Finance (2014)
Christopher Smart
Harvard Kennedy School, former Special Assistant to the US President for International Economics, Trade and Investment
Paul J. J. Welfens (EIIW)
President of the European Institute for International Economic Relations
Coffee Break
  • Should/could the international monetary system be reformed to restore financial trust?
  • Did cataclysmic regulation help to reign in speculative excesses and financialization of the economy?
  • Outsiders and the financial system: confrontation, collaboration or absorption?
  • Is President Trump friend or enemy of “finance”?
  • After the outsiders’ electoral victory, did “Wall Street” lose its power?
Roundtable moderated by:
Pierre Bessard
President and Member of the Board of Trustees of the Liberal Institute, Geneva and Zurich, Switzerland
William K. Black
Member of the Advisory Board, Associate Professor of Economics and Law, University of Missouri, Kansas City, USA
Miranda Goeltom
Former Governor of the Indonesian Central Bank
Fauzi Ichsan
Chief Executive Officer of Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation
Iain Stewart-Linnhe
Global Regulatory Policy & Capital Markets Specialist, Hon. Lecturer, Law Faculty, University of Liverpool
Networking Lunch
  • Are left-aside and outsiders the last chance of democracy?
  • Is debt compatible with the democratic structures?
  • Innovation, globalization and mass work destruction. Is there a possible solution to harmonize such contradictory/conflictual trends?
  • Who are the outsiders: conservatives or revolutionaries?
    • Trump victory, Brexit referendum
    • Strong or weak State?
    • Citizens and the State
  • Outsiders: economic project or rather a truly political project?
  • Trump victory, Brexit referendum victory: were political motivations —rejection of the elites, rejection of “Washington”, rejection of immigration in the UK — more important than economic motivations/rationality for voters?
  • Outsiders and the State: are they in favor of a strong State or of a weak/limited State?
  • Citizens and the State according to the Outsiders: do citizens have economic rights and, as a consequence, does the State have duties (provide jobs, ressources, health protection…)?
  • Do Outsiders want to save the (economic and financial) “system” or do they want to change it?
  • Who are the Outsiders’ enemies: “finance”, bureaucracies, media?
Roundtable moderated by:
William K. Black
Member of the Advisory Board, Associate Professor of Economics and Law, University of Missouri, Kansas City, USA
Roger Nightingale
Economist, RDN Associates Ltd, London
Henry Olsen
Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, Washington, DC
Stephen B. Young
Global Executive Director, Caux Round Table, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
Coffee Break
  • Which political world model would prevail after the recent elections: multi-polar or uni-polar?
  • How to reconcile free trade, reduction of state interference, healthy economic growth and employment with globalization dynamics?
  • Can the first capitalist world power — USA — change the rules of the game that it imposed 40 years ago: free trade, liberalism, balanced budgets? Can the US reject globalization and the problems it created (delocalization of jobs, trade deficit…) now that globalization is turning against the US economy after having benefited of globalization for decades? How could China, EU, Japan, Mexico… react?
Roundtable moderated by:
Daniel Mitchell
Senior Fellow, Cato Institute, Washington, USA
Jose Maria Gil-Robles
Former President of the EU Parliament (1997-1999)
Christopher Smart
Harvard Kennedy School, former Special Assistant to the US President for International Economics, Trade and Investment
Message from AMAF - Monaco
Hervé Ordioni
President-Committee for Promotion of Monaco as Financial Center, Monaco Association for Financial Activities, Monaco
End of the second day
Patrons’ Dinner at the Hotel Hermitage by invitation only
(Black tie suggested)
Wednesday, May 31
Thursday, June 1 - Associations’ Day: Bringing Financial Advice to the Next Level
Welcome Address from the Chairmen of the Day Introducing the Knowledge Café
Zoltan Luttenberger
Tony Mahabir
MBA CMC, CFP, CIM, CEO Canfin Financial Group, Director of the Canadian Institute of Financial Planning
Leong Sze Hian
Past President of the Society of Financial Service Professionals in Singapore, Chairman of the Singapore Professional Centre (umbrella body for professional associations) and President of Maruah (human rights NGO)
Navigating troubled waters: Financial Advisors’ role in contemporary times
  • Changing relationship between clients and advisors arising from developing technology/Robo Advice?
  • The Modern Wealth Manager – seismic shift from Individual players to Institutional Players to Robo-Advisors
  • Global trends in estate planning and talent retention
Introduced and Moderated by:
Tony Mahabir
MBA CMC, CFP, CIM, CEO Canfin Financial Group, Director of the Canadian Institute of Financial Planning
Massimo Scolari
President of ASCOSIM, Italy
Giorgio Canella
Confidente Personale
Tri Djoko Santoso
President FPSB Indonesia
The Heath Report 3 (THR3): a look at the UK advice sector six years after the RDR introduction
Garry Heath
Director General of Libertatem, Editor of The Heath Report
  • Which business models can survive when compliance work time passing the 50 ./. hallmark soon?
  • Is the level playing field a social priority at all?
  • Who will regulate the regulators? Can businesses and clients fight back?
Introduced and Moderated by:
Garry Heath
Director General of Libertatem, Editor of The Heath Report
Iain Stewart-Linnhe
Global Regulatory Policy & Capital Markets Specialist, Hon. Lecturer, Law Faculty, University of Liverpool
Miranda Goeltom
Former Governor of the Indonesian Central Bank
Sven Putfarken CFP
Managing Partner M-P-V Wealth Management Ltd., Board Member Network Financial Planners Berlin
Gilles-Guy de Salins
Vice President, ANCDGP, France
Coffee Break
Investment Strategy: Where next for client portfolios?
  • Asset management, advice and regulation
  • Active management is dead, long live active allocation!
  • Cycles in a world of extreme monetary policies
Introduced and Moderated by:
Henry Cobbe
Head of Research, Elston Consulting
Thomas Abel
Founding President of Network Financial Planners, Berlin, Germany
Robert van Beek
President of FPA Belgium, European Representative of Behaviorgap.eu
Zoltan Luttenberger
Financial Life Planner, CAM Consultant
Message from Richard Smouha
Co-founder and Honorary Chairman of CIFA, Co-founder of GSCGI and Founder of Atlanticomnium
Is our Profession capable of organizing itself and have its Word in the finance scene?
  • Independent Advisors and Wealth Managers serving their clients’ interests in first place
  • Independent Fiduciary Advice: The Non Plus Ultra in Finance
  • The Fiduciary discussion: is the 3,771 years old fiduciary duty a (new) “regulation issue” or a question of mutual trust and part of Roman Law?
  • Let Our Voice be heard! Independent Advice as socially recognized Role Model
Introduced and Moderated by:
Pierre Christodoulidis
President of CIFA
Richard Smouha
Co-founder and Honorary Chairman of CIFA, Co-founder of GSCGI and Founder of Atlanticomnium
Thomas Abel
Founding President of Network Financial Planners, Berlin, Germany
Robert van Beek
President of FPA Belgium, European Representative of Behaviorgap.eu
Garry Heath
Director General of Libertatem, Editor of The Heath Report
Zoltan Luttenberger
Financial Life Planner, CAM Consultant
Networking Lunch
Investment Implementation: From bricks, to walls, to houses...
  • Appropriate services, platforms, products and portfolios
  • The changing nature of risk management
  • Focus on outcomes: portfolio strategy or user experience?
  • Retirement Portfolios: are there real choices for clients?
Introduced by:
Josep Soler-Albertí
EFPA Chairman, Spain
Moderated by:
Gilles-Guy de Salins
Vice President, ANCDGP, France
Robert van Beek
President of FPA Belgium, European Representative of Behaviorgap.eu
Henry Cobbe
Head of Research, Elston Consulting
Global Taxation and Cross Border Challenges for the Multi-National HNW Clients
  • Cross Border Business Models
  • Transparence and Exchange of information (FATCA, GATCA)
Introduced and Moderated by:
Darlene Hart
Founder & CEO, US Tax & Financial Services
Tony Mahabir
MBA CMC, CFP, CIM, CEO Canfin Financial Group, Director of the Canadian Institute of Financial Planning
Iain Stewart-Linnhe
Global Regulatory Policy & Capital Markets Specialist, Hon. Lecturer, Law Faculty, University of Liverpool
Coffee break
What are (should be) the priorities for a financial advisor?
  • Investment management, Cross Border, Tax planning, Retirement Planning?
  • Generalist? Outsourcing? Specialist? Life Planning? Trustee?
  • Compliance? Fighting roboadvice? ... or something else?
Introduced and Moderated by:
Leong Sze Hian
Past President of the Society of Financial Service Professionals in Singapore, Chairman of the Singapore Professional Centre (umbrella body for professional associations) and President of Maruah (human rights NGO)
Vania Franceschelli
Foreign Affairs, ANASF Italy
Marta Gellová
President of EFPA-Czech Republic
Zoltan Luttenberger
Financial Life Planner CAM Consultant
Tri Djoko Santoso
President FPSB Indonesia
Josep Soler-Albertí
EFPA Chairman, Spain
Investments: topical financial scams and misappropriation
Gilles Duteil
Director of CETFI, Aix-Marseille University, Aix-en-Provence, France
The Day’s message to FAs, Clients and the General Public
Chairmen of the Day:
Zoltan Luttenberger
Financial Life Planner, CAM Consultant
Tony Mahabir
MBA CMC, CFP, CIM, CEO Canfin Financial Group, Director of the Canadian Institute of Financial Planning
Leong Sze Hian
Past President of the Society of Financial Service Professionals in Singapore, Chairman of the Singapore Professional Centre (umbrella body for professional associations) and President of Maruah (human rights NGO)
Secretary-General Address & End of the Forum